Pilot Licence
Hours: Unit 42.0 / Progressive 42.0
Aircraft: PA28-181
The recreational pilot licence (RPL) is the step on your way to becoming a pilot. During this course, you will learn how to take-off, land, and handle a small aircraft. This includes basic manoeuvres such as climbing, descending, turning, and circuit operations. After flying solo in the circuit, you will learn more complex handling in the training area before progressing to your RPL flight test. At the end of this training you will be able to handle the aircraft confidently in basic and complex manoeuvres.
On completion of your RPL, you will be licenced to carry passengers in the immediate vicinity of Archerfield Aerodrome. You will also be eligible to start your navigation training - the next step towards gaining your private pilot licence (PPL).
Dual Flight Lessons
The following is a list of dual flight lessons that are covered during this stage of the course. Most lessons typically take 1.5 hours.
Effects of control + Straight and level
Climbing & descending + Co-ordinated flight
Turning & Side Slip
Training area circuits
Circuits (1, 2, & 3)
Circuit emergencies
Crosswind circuits
First, Second and Third solo check
How Long Does It Take?
If students fly once a week, it will take approximately six months to complete the course. However, students will learn more efficiently the more frequently they fly. It is recommended that students try to fly at least once a week.
Forced landings (1 & 2)
Steep turns
Training area familiarisation
Short field take-offs and landings
Precautionary landings
Advanced stalling
Basic instrument flying
Pre-licence check flight
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Estimated Total Hours and Expenses
The following matrix lays out estimated hours and total cost to complete the unit. However, it should be noted that, as each student is different, more (or less) hours may be required, and this will affect the total price. Fewer hours will be required for a student that flies often, as less remedial work is needed. All prices stated are in AUD and based off the rates for our Piper Archer III. Prices exclude GST, however, all new students at Brisbane Aviators are eligible to receive GST free training.
32 hours dual @ $455per hour
10.0 hours solo @ $348 per hour
40 landings @ $20per landing
6.0 hours SIM dual @200 per hour
RPL Starter Pack
Briefing @90 per hour
RPL Flight Test
Total Unit Cost
*RPL Flight Test price flying Piper Archer III
**Price for 15hours Briefing